Mom + Conversations: Teaching kids the art of the tennis match

Mom + Conversations: Teaching kids the art of the tennis match

It’s happening more and more these days – you try to have a conversation with a teenager and they don’t look you in the eye, can’t take their eyes off their phone, and don’t understand that a conversation goes back and forth. Having a good conversation is something learned, it’s not intuitive, and it starts at home at a young age. 

Dinner + Frustration: Wanting to throw in the towel

Dinner + Frustration: Wanting to throw in the towel

I know it’s unreasonable to expect that every dinner I put on the table will receive rave reviews. After all, they’re kids. But tonight, I completely lost it and got angry. Maybe it’s because of the huge challenge it is to get dinner on the table – one handed

Babies + Bathing: Less is more

Babies + Bathing: Less is more

When my oldest child was an infant, I was so concerned about every little thing. Like most first time parents, I wanted to do it all correctly. Make no mistakes. Follow the book. Well, I quickly got over that feeling once my second child came along. Parents with more...
Kids + Sleep: The path to me-time

Kids + Sleep: The path to me-time

Nap-time and nighttime in our house equals me-time. Whether I nap myself, or tackle one of the many tasks I hope to accomplish during the day, reliable sleep patters for our kids have kept me sane over the years.

Mom + Life: Scars Are Inevitable

Mom + Life: Scars Are Inevitable

No parent sets out from the get-go saying, “I want to really mess up my kid.” But all of us carry around scars left by our parents. Some go deeper than others, some define us as adults, and some have helped us become better people. Why are parental scars inevitable?...

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