Summer + Reading: Book series your kids will get hooked on
Reading in the summertime can sometimes take a back seat to other activities. I encourage you to intentionally set aside time to read with your kids over the summer.

Summer + Routine: Your kids (and you) need one
If your kids are bored, roaming around the house aimlessly, or driving you crazy, a schedule might be a good idea.

Book(s) + Review: Raising Up Girls
Raising children is tough work. As I say all the time on this blog, the intersection of motherhood and life is messy and we need all the help we can get.

Food + allergies: Not always what you think
If you had told me a year ago that I would spend months suffering from debilitating back pain to find out that the root cause was a food allergy, I would have laughed in your face.

Age + Gap: Don’t worry, it will be a perfect fit
If you’re still trying to plan your family, remember that plans change, and trust that it will all work out okay, just as it was meant to.