Summer + Reading: Book series your kids will get hooked on
Reading in the summertime can sometimes take a back seat to other activities. I encourage you to intentionally set aside time to read with your kids over the summer.

Summer + Routine: Your kids (and you) need one
If your kids are bored, roaming around the house aimlessly, or driving you crazy, a schedule might be a good idea.

Baking + Mix: Allergy friendly AND Yummy
If you haven’t tried Cooggies baking mixes, you must. The ingredients are gluten, peanut and soy free and the short list of what is in the mix includes things you can actually pronounce.

Good + Mom: Your new job title
You’re a good mom. I know you are, so go ahead and tell yourself, “I’m a good mom.” Simply by reading this, you’re a good mom. You haven’t given up and you’re still working at improving your job as a mother.

Mom + Goals: Don’t Give Up
Here’s how I plan to tackle my mom goals and still orchestrate our move, volunteer, and cook a meal once in a while.

Weeknight + Dinner: 20 minutes or less
It’s a weeknight and you just walked in the door after finishing work or picking up kids from an activity. You’re exhausted and the last thing you want to do is make dinner.

Book(s) + Review: Raising Up Girls
Raising children is tough work. As I say all the time on this blog, the intersection of motherhood and life is messy and we need all the help we can get.

Food + allergies: Not always what you think
If you had told me a year ago that I would spend months suffering from debilitating back pain to find out that the root cause was a food allergy, I would have laughed in your face.

Age + Gap: Don’t worry, it will be a perfect fit
If you’re still trying to plan your family, remember that plans change, and trust that it will all work out okay, just as it was meant to.